Virtual Assistant

Up and coming and "already there" writers want to do one thing: write! Handling communications, data reports, social media, finding reliable editors, cover designers, formatters, and marketers/promoters for, and uploading the book to various sites, etc. are some of the things that go along with being a writer. But writers are too busy and some of these things are tedious!!

A virtual assistant can help you with these housekeeping chores that bog you down and keep you from creating. Let help you with these with their 100% human virtual assistant. For a mere $25.99 per hour*, we will help with some of and not limited to the following:

  • monitoring a dedicated writer's email account (for example, and responding to fan-mail and other correspondence that is related to your craft**
  • updating your website with your blog posts and new publications**
  • contacting people involved with the production of your publications
  • collating data on spreadsheets and writing reports 
  • uploading books 
  • contacting marketers/promoters
  • setting up new accounts, such as Bookbub, Smashwords, and others**
  • monitoring and maintaining social media accounts (posts, gaining followers, responding to people, updating photos)
  • checking short pieces (blogs, memos, etc.) for errors
  • and much more! Just ask if there is something you do not see.***

If you are a group of writers, we can discuss having the assistant work for the group for a yearly salary.

* What constitutes an hour of work will be laid out in advance of work beginning. If the writer would like extra services above what is discussed, then extra charges apply. Minimum charge is one hour. 

**Requires login information.

***You do not need to be a writer to hire the virtual assistant.

Please fill out a form if you would like to discuss virtual assistant services.

  • * Required fields