Marianne Spitzer is a full time writer. She is from Wisconsin. Spitzer writes supernatural thrillers.Her most recent work is Annamarie and Magdalena (Gypsy Spirits sequel.) Daniel's spirit wants to steal his baby daughter. Magdalena's spirit battles Daniel for baby Lena.
Daniel and Annamarie, a young couple, were married until Daniel died when he was pushed off the bluff overlooking the river. Daniel's evil nature followed him in death, and he is determined to ruin Annamarie's life while she does her best to lead a normal life with her child. Spitzer’s disclaimer is “My characters, their motivations, and actions are complete fiction.”
Spitzer begins her novels “with an idea and a character. From there, the character seems to take on a life of their own. Ideas and their actions flow from my imagination. My inspiration comes from my love of mysteries, which I have been reading since I was in grade school. Now I put them onto paper.
Spitzer’s greatest challenge is “Commas. It may sound strange, but even in college, I was plagued by placing commas in the wrong places. I still do. Thank goodness for good editors.”
Agatha Christie is Spitzer’s favorite author. “Her books are wonderful to read and each one is gripping. They seem to be written seamlessly without any difficulty. I wish I knew if writing was that easy for her. She's a mystery writer and I read mostly mysteries. I am sure she influenced some of my writing along the way, but I don't know of any exact example.”
Spitzer reveals “I am a chocoholic.” Another interesting habit is “I write late at night when the world is dark, quiet, and asleep. I try hard not to think about my latest WIP while I am falling asleep. If I do and begin to put a frightening scene together in my head, I creep myself out and can't sleep.”
She advises aspiring writers to “write every day. It doesn't have to be your current project, but write about everything and anything. Also, find a good editor you can work with. The only thing I would have done differently is begin my social networking earlier before I self-published my first novel. I found it a good way to self-market.”
The following is a link to Marianne Spitzer’s Amazon author page. “All my e-book links and bio are on that page.”