Interview with ROBERT LEMOINE


Robert Lemoine is from Rhode Island and he was raised in Florida. He has recently completed his book, The Potential of a Bayonet. Lemoine works as the manager of an athletic club. When asked if he has been writing long, he says, "Wow, this project took 45 years!" He does not write in a specific genre, but he writes about "corruption, integrity, and prayer. I don't point fingers and I give you something to compare."

Lemoine's work is autobiographical, and his intention is to reflect "a mature person who intentionally puts other people first. I tend to relate situations to God's leadership skills." His inspiration comes from "Good people that follow God. I write what my eyes hear."

Lemoine does not identify anything particularly challenging about writing itself, but states, "Life is about adapting and adjusting to life."

Most authors have had others influence their work. Lemoine's response: I have 3.

John Maxwell

John Maxwell

John Maxwell

Why? You have to read the book.

Lemoine would like us to know that "God's grace bestowed upon ‘little Robbie.’ As I read, several scriptures came to mind, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 22:6, Romans 5:4, Matthew 13:13...just to name a few. He tells aspiring writers, "If I can do it you can do it. Listen to the right people and win with prayer.”

We can read more about Robert Lemoine at: Facebook/Frank Lemoine

Twitter: frank_lemoine